Supported Independent Living (SIL)

SIL within Seton Villa Homes

Seton Villa provides Supported Independent Living for residents in our homes. We provide an active support care model where individuals are supported to be as independent as possible with the care and support needed based on their unique needs. Residents are encouraged to assist in making meals, with household chores as well as participating in individual and communal leisure activities.

SIL provided in collaboration with other SDA providers

Seton Villa can also provide SIL as a service to other SDA providers. We recently joined forces with RASAID (Ryde Area Supported Accomodation for Intellectually Disabled). RASAID had heard such great things about our staff that they asked us to take over their SIL for their residents. We have successfully integrated our staff with the 14 residents of RASAID.

If you wish to contact us in regards to accommodation or support for residents, please email

Please let us know if you would like us to call or email you.

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