Social & Community Participation

Seton Villa actively supports our residents to choose and participate in a range of fun and productive activities beyond their home at Seton Villa. Our Quality and Safeguards Manager works with individuals to understand their unique needs and goals, enabling active participation at local day activity centres, through supported employment and/or via community engagement with Seton Villa.


Local Day Activity Centres

The local day activity centres allow our residents to socialise and make new friends, learn new skills, keep fit in an encouraging environment, all offsite from their home at Seton Villa. The day activity centres may offer choices around music, singing, dancing, exercise, scrap-booking, short story writing, gardening, photography, painting, cooking, needle point and other handicrafts. Residents can attend the day activity centre of their choice up to five days per week, or any number of days, based on their individual preference.

Supported Employment

Residents can choose to participate in supported employment, where people with intellectual disabilities are employed in a supported working environment. In supported employment, employees make meaningful contributions to the workforce, learn new skills, broaden their social network and earn a wage based on the wage assessment tool. Some Seton Villa residents have enjoyed long term supported employment including roles on committees and recognition of their contribution through employment awards.

Community Engagement

Beyond the local day activity centers and supported employment, Seton Villa encourages our residents to engage with the community through bushwalking, swimming, training in the use of public transport, visits to the local library, local animal shelter, local shopping center, and social outings – all with friends, family and/or other service providers. All social and community participation programs are managed by trained community support workers and facilitated by diversional therapists designed activity programs to meet an individual’s specific needs and interests.

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