Purpose & Values
The culture of Seton Villa is a reflection of the organisational heritage and the Daughters of Charity charism. The works of the Daughters of Charity reflect the rich traditions and values of Catholic Social teaching – promotion of the dignity of each person and the value of human life; a valuing of the common good over personal gain, solidarity with, and preference for the poor, and responsible stewardship. Seton Villa fosters a culture encompassing all stakeholders involved in and connected to the organisation and throughout our community.
Our Purpose
“Connecting people. Empowering lives.”
Our purpose encompasses all stakeholders involved in and connected to Seton Villa: first and foremost, the ladies we care for, their families and friends, our staff and supporters including the Board.
Seton Villa is here to empower the lives of women with intellectual disabilities, and those who support and care for our ladies. Primary to the care and wellbeing of every human being is connection with others, and we aim to empower lives by connecting people.
Our Promise
“We respect the rights of people with intellectual disabilities and enable them to be active members of the broad community.”
Our promise reflects our heritage while sharing our commitment to the future of serving others in the Spirit of the Daughters of Charity, as reflected in their works and expressed in the key values of Gospel Caring:
- A ministry of presence, attentive and responsive to people in need
- An inclusive person-centred approach based on the acceptance of all people regardless of race, colour, creed or ability
- Holistic care which respects the physical, mental, spiritual, social and emotional needs of people
- Mutuality in service expressed as “working with” not “working for’, of mutual learning and enrichment, a process of engagement
- Non-judgemental care without any form of discrimination
- Truth and compassion as it is expressed through honest and transparent relationships and in loving support to those who suffer.
Theory of Change
Our Core Values
The core values of Seton Villa are a reflection of the core values of the Daughters of Charity and their works, where the love of Jesus Christ urges everyone to: respect each person, provide quality service, through simplicity, advocate for the Poor, with boundless creativity.
Seton Villa’s core values guide our behaviours and inform our decisions. These are what we expect from everyone in our community.
Our Values in Action
This is how the values manifest in our behaviours and the culture of Seton Villa.
- FAITH FILLED: The Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul charism fills our hearts and minds reflecting the rich traditions of Catholic Social Teachings.
- KINSHIP: We recognise and value the interconnectedness and interplay through life as we live, work and play together. Shared experiences, connections and familial relationship create loyalty and love.
- DIGNIFIED + PROFESSIONAL: Responsible stewardship governs our behaviours. We are dedicated and dependable to our vocation of serving others.
- INCLUSIVE + DIVERSE: Everyone contributes to our community and culture where we celebrate each other’s individuality and provide choices.
- WARM + WELCOMING: Enthusiasm, affection and kindness make everyone feel welcome and validates their belonging.
- STRONG + ACTIVE: As enablers for others’ autonomy, we energise and activate participation in the variety of life.
- COMMUNICATIVE: We are committed to and willing to share our experiences and feelings as they create kinship and care, trust and loyalty.
- ADVOCATES: The Spirit calls us to be a voice for the voiceless, responsive to the realities of our times.
- JOYFUL: We celebrate life and share the joy.