First and foremost – thank you
The difference you are making
You’ve helped build hope from the ground up! Over a few months the Homes For Life crowdfunder has received 100 donations raising just under $10,000.
A place to grow and be free, is the best gift. And you’ve given this.
We would like to thank everyone who has donated and our Catholic community and local media for sharing our story and garnering more support.
Thanks to you. Your donation has helped to transform houses into homes with special personal touches and life-saving features that all contribute towards flourishing independence. A place to grow and be free, is the best gift. And you’ve given this.
Enabling Independence and Choice
Carmel and Melissa are living proof that having an intellectual disability doesn’t have to limit your life. See how they are happily ‘making home’ with the day-to-day domestic activities like washing, gardening and cooking. Having control over everyday tasks provides so much happiness to our residents. The independence and life skills are transferable into the community.
Welcoming Family and Friends
Carmel and Melissa recently welcomed their aunt and uncle to their new Seton Villa home, Rosalie’s Place where they could show off their beautiful new home and celebrate Carmel’s birthday. Being able to share these special moments in their own home is something you’ve helped make possible.
What Next? Our Third House Leia’s Place
With your support, Leia’s Place is making great progress! In such a short time the roof is on and all internal wiring and plumbing is complete. The excitement is building for our residents including Liana and Julie (below), who along with the other women are looking at colour schemes and furnishings for their new home. Your donation will be used to support their choices as they each make their bedroom and new house a beautiful place to call home.

And then our Fourth House
Ryde Council has given Development Consent for our fourth new property at Tulip Street Marsfield, replacing the original house with a new four-bedroom SDA Improved Livability home. If the weather is kind, this new house will be completed by December 2021. Below is an artist impression of the new house.

High Praise for Seton Villa’s New Homes
Your donation is part of a significant asset redevelopment including seven houses in total. Our first two homes Jenny’s Place and Rosalie’s Place which were opened in February 2021, were recently evaluated by an independent consultant with this very high praise.
“The positive quality of life outcomes for residents, observed in both homes, overwhelmingly demonstrate the benefits of investing in high-quality accessible design, supporting independence and inclusion. Overall satisfaction with the new homes was demonstrated by all stakeholders engaged, being residents, families and staff members.”
Post-Occupancy Evaluation by Independent Consultant
Thank you!
We’ve still got a lot to do and many more women to help, but together we can keep this growing by sharing the need for support and campaign details with our family and friends. We welcome all the support you can give.